• Country of origin: Malaysia
  • Item will be shipped within 2-5 working days upon successful order/payment.
  • Customers will be informed immediately if requires more time for shipment.
  • International courier service: DHL (1-4 weeks arrival depending on location and country customs)
  • Local courier service: J&T (2-10 working days arrival)
  • Customers should receive shipment details (tracking etc.) once their order/orders are shipped out.
  • Shipment details and tracking number will be sent via Email
  • Please leave a message during check out to confirm 'Parcel Value' (custom tax purpose) and if insurance is required.


  • Payment are required within 48 hours upon order. Failure in payment within time frame given will result in auto cancellation.
  • Returns are not allowed.
  • Products will be safely packed and using layers of bubble wraps to ensure safety of products during shipment.
  • We will not be responsible for any damage caused by the courier.
  • Contact us directly through Instagram message, Whatsapp or Email.


  • Bank Transfer (recommended for local customers - Malaysia)
  • PayPal (recommended for international customers)
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